Training, Further Education, Research

Your education partner in the Upper Palatinate

The Inter-company Training Centre in Eastern Bavaria (UEBZO) non-profit Ltd. is the competent and comprehensive partner for training and further education in the so-called “Knowledge Region Upper Palatinate” with access to a broadly diversified network of business, science and politics.

Broad network

The UEBZO cooperates with around 250 companies in a total of 28 dual training occupations, with general schools, vocational school centres, research institutes, other educational institutions and the employment agency of the region.

Digitalisation and education 4.0

The UEBZO responds to the challenges of digitisation and industry 4.0 with training offers 4.0. These include innovative forms of training courses, the unique machine park of the training workshop and the learning management system (LMS) with an e-learning offer that enables individualised learning independent of time and place.

Competence Center for Production Technology

The UEBZO was the first private institution in Germany to develop the competence centre for production technology. New job profiles can be generated and adapted to the needs of the companies.

International markets

The UEBZO responds to the demand of international markets for recognised training service providers and transfers the dual vocational training system to China, Laos and South Africa. It develops training and further education modules for international trainers and apprentices.

Innovative education campus

The UEBZO is located in the "Science Park C4", the new educational campus in Weiherhammer. It offers modern training rooms and a digitalised machine park. The network of future-oriented companies enables modern and practice-oriented educational offers. Part of the education campus is a Future Lab, which will enable training on a "Digital Twin" or visualizations in the "Holodeck".

The core competencies of UEBZO


Individual modules or the entire training can be booked with us: Here, both the theoretical and practical training can take place, and the trainees gain professional experience in their respective company.

International education

Our experts support and accompany companies in application procedures and research and development projects. They also develop concepts for the export of the dual vocational training system.

Millionen für innovative Berufsausbildung

Mit dem Innovations-Cluster ABBO – Allianz für berufliche Bildung in Ostbayern“ hat sich ein Netzwerk aus insgesamt 19 Unternehmen, Hochschulen,…

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Millionen Förderung für das ÜBZO

Die Jury des Innovationswettbewerbs „InnoVET“ hat 17 Projekte für eine Förderung durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)…

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Chinesisch-deutscher Austausch in virtuellen Klassenzimmern

Digitale Lehre und Internationalisierung ist in aller Munde, im Überbetrieblichen Bildungszentrum in Ostbayern (ÜBZO) wird beides gelebt. Das ÜBZO…

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Digitalisierung: ÜBZO-Zertifikate jetzt per Download!

Zertifikat bequem in drei Schritten downloaden!

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Jederzeit online: Webcast für Berufsbildungsakteure

ÜBZO hilft bei Verbesserung von Lehrerausbildung und Unterrichtsqualität in China

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Hygieneregeln und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen für Wiedereinstieg

Ab dem 11.05.2020 öffnet das ÜBZO wieder seine Türen und nimmt den Betrieb auf!

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Current News (only available in German)
